Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Socio-cultural processes in the context of information society development

VII международная научно-практическая конференция
Социально-культурные институты в современном мире

Socio-cultural processes in the context of information society development

V. N. Goncharov, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, assistant professor,

North Caucasus Federal University,

Stavropol, Russia


Social and cultural processes are processes of unprecedented growth of information flows which change qualitatively relation of people to information, knowledge, work and each other [7, p. 123–128]. These are globalization processes which change the dominating ideals and worldview of millions people, transform values of social status and social institutions, power and authorities, traditions, customs and even space and time [10, p. 57–62]. These are new threats and challenges which bring various societies to a state of cultural shock, increase social inequality, bear economic risks and spiritual shocks [11, p. 282–284].

It is generally admitted that in the modern world there is a rapid growth of information technologies, technical and technology solutions in the field of communications. However the scientific discussion on sources and motivation of technological growth, on those sociocultural processes which form spiritual and social order of development of technologies and correspond to new technical solutions with social and cultural shifts is still timely [4, p. 118–124]. Researches of sociocultural changes in a context of formation of information society have special relevance. The society is unprecedented scientific and social laboratory now, a society on which the transformations connected with modernization reforms and changes characteristic of globalization and information processes were imposed [9, p. 78–82].

The relevance of research is also caused by outlined gap between requirements of social practice (for example, in training of specialists in mass media, teachers, managers, government employees which could work professionally in the field of social and communication technologies, PR, advertizing, informatics, remote education) and a level of understanding of sociocultural processes in the sphere of formation of information society [5, p. 6–9]. Its formation in the Western world is inseparably linked with mass society, development of industry, increase in comfort of life and transition from category of need to category of choice. However formation of mass society went in the conditions of incomplete and imperfect modernization which, covering industrial area, practically did not affect social aspect [14, p. 10–16]. Social sphere was characterized by strict hierarchy, artificial poverty, paternalistic dependence on a political regime. Sociocultural features of mass society is an orientation of cultural forms to not middle class needs, but to the lowest layer, labor and property equalization, paternalism, household asceticism, almost total absence of institutions of civil and legal society [8, p. 87–93]. Before 1990s development of the information environment was slowed down artificially. In this sphere the special culture based on closeness of information, information passivity of citizens, fear to interpret and use new information independently was created [13, p. 39–44].

Growth of information production (in the late 1980s or early 1990s) is characterized by the sudden beginning and avalanche increase and also the fact that it accompanied considerable reduction of production of goods and living standards of many social groups. Production of an intellectual product faced the insufficient level of culture of information consumption. As a result of high property and consumer differentiation of the population two types of information space are now formed: one of them includes modern means of telecommunications (digital forms of communication, the Internet and other technologies), and another consists of the most available (television and broadcasting, the press). Mass layers of new poverty - information poverty - focused on consumption of television product and artificially limited to it are formed.

Culture of information society as defined cannot be elite culture as information society is global expansion of borders of communication in all spheres of human activity [3, p. 80–85]. These problems  do not only have theoretical and academic value, but also serious practical orientation. The practical solution of the problem of information inequality means significant positive transformations for modern society: intensification of economic growth, increase in culture of managing and management, decline in unemployment, solution of problems of poverty and social tension. Development of a system concept of the state participation in information society, definition of a role of a state not only in the economic, but also sociocultural transformations connected with informatization and globalization are necessary for optimization of social processes [2, p. 168–177].

Globalization and formation of information society update scientific research of impact of these processes on a society. Formation of the new social, economic and political relations adequate to changes happens under the conditions when modernization, in the context of economic and spiritual and moral crisis, recession of many branches of industrial production is not fully completed yet [6, p. 136–143]. In the modern world there is a rapid growth of new information technologies, technical and technology solutions in the field of communications. However the scientific discussion on sources and motivation of this growth, on those sociocultural processes which form the spiritual and social order to development of technologies still is relevant and correspond to new technical solutions with social and cultural shifts.

Such shifts may include process of expansion of network interactions. Network forms of coordination begin to destroy mass society, making it heterogeneous, leading to destruction of uniform audience, transforming a public sphere. In the information society a set of horizontal sources of information dominate over vertical. These multiple horizontal information flows have a destroying effect on social structure and hierarchies, without differentiating, and washing away borders of institutions, groups, communities [1, p. 95–100]. The image of such society can be presented in the rhombus form, but more flat from the poles, losing its clearness of contours. The social hierarchy loses its meaning. Social networks and network culture develop. Society returns to the past, to the unstructured, syncretic stage. But it is only at first glance: breaking-up and washing away structures release creative energy of individuals, atomize society, complicating it. Sociocultural space also becomes complicated: information space of sociocultural opportunities of coding and replication of knowledge and virtual space - total space of simulacra included by bearers of network culture in the routine reality are added [12, p. 73–78].


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