Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Psychological culture of personality as a basis of the teacher professional subjectivity


Psychological culture of personality as a basis of the teacher professional subjectivity

M. V. Petrovskaya, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor,

Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force,

N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy,

Voronezh, Russia


The main life task of a person is to give life to himself, to become what he potentially is.

The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality.

Erich Fromm  


There is no doubt, that modern society demands specialists, not only proactive and independent, not only easily adaptable, but, above all, capable of actively developing and transforming their activities in accordance with personal and professional tasks. In this regard, one of the factors of effective creative self-realization and self-development is professional subjectivity.

Various aspects of professional subjectivity are considered in the works of L. V. Abdalina, A. V. Beloshitsky, V. A. Bodrov, E. V. Bondarevskaya, E. N. Volkova, L. G. Dikaya, A. V. Zeer, E. A. Klimov, N. A. Koval, G. A. Mironov, A. V. Petrovsky, Yu. P. Povarenkov, V. V. Serikov, Yu. K. Strelkov, V. D. Shadrikova, I. S. Yakimanskaya and others.

E. N. Volkova, considering subjectivity as the basis for the formation of a teacher's professional competence, defines it as «a personal property of a person, which reveals the essence of the human being way, which consists of a conscious and active attitude to the world and oneself within it and the ability to make interdependent world and human changes» [2].

According to I. P. Krasnoshechenko statement, the professional subjectivity is a characteristic of the subject, including professional constructive identity, professional thinking, competencies and professional constructiveness of quality, showing his active ability, aimed at mastering a future profession by completing his studies at a university, resulting in his subjective and objective readiness to execution of professional solutions and problem solving [3].

G. A. Mironov defines professional subjectivity as an integrative regulatory quality, which is realized within the framework of professional activity due to the internal deterministic constructive-transformative activity, allowing one to go beyond confines of the situational stimulation of activity and actively, selectively and proactively and responsibly implement its regulation, effective solution of professional tasks, including personal and professional development [4].

I. V. Syromyatnikov considers professional subjectivity as an integral mental quality that determines the professional ability to initiate and regulate activity in accordance with internal criteria of efficiency in situations, which implies a certain freedom of choice and responsibility for it [7].

The following components are distinguished in the professional subjectivity by specialists:

activity, freedom of choice and responsibility for it, the ability to reflect, understanding and acceptance of the other, self-development (E. N. Volkova);

creative activity, the ability to reflect, awareness of one's own uniqueness, understanding and acceptance of another (I. A. Seregina);

creative independence, initiative, awareness, reflexivity, self-regulation, self-development (A. F. Berezin);

responsibility, freedom, general reflection, reflection of choice, self-control (M. V. Isakov), etc.

Evaluating and comparing these components, we can say that psychological culture can be called the reflective basis of professional subjectivity as a functional psychological education that integrates psychological and acmeological content and aspects of universal and professional orientation, professional and psychological competence, personal and professional qualities and relationships and providing creative actualization of personal and professional resources, productivity and satisfaction with work and interaction.

Psychological culture is the result of the actualization of the professional I-concept, reflecting the semantic ordering and vector orientation of professional activity towards professional competence acquiring.

Professional orientation reflects a set of value orientations, axiological priorities and motives for mastering a profession, sets the meaning of professional activity for a person, determines its significance in the life of the subject, activity in the process of professional training.

The axiological component in the structure of psychological culture synthesizes a set of life-meaning and professional values as stable guidelines, norms and standards that regulate professional activity and interaction, which determine the orientation of the individual towards self-realization in professional activity and communication [5].

One of the criterion of this component is the orientation of the personality, which is characterized by the hierarchy and the ratio of one's own drives (needs, interests) and intentions (meaningful motives, values) and manifests itself in all professional life and in individual situations, determines its perception and the logic of behavior, the whole appearance of a person.

The orientation of the personality largely determines the formation and development of psychological culture. So, in the work of I. A. Abzalov personality orientation is considered as one of the main components (subjective) of the teacher's professional culture [1]. And the acmeological regularity of the influence of personality orientation on the development of psychological culture was revealed in the research of N. T. Selezneva [6].

The main axiological component indicators of the teacher's psychological culture are value attitude towards others, job satisfaction, striving for self-improvement.

The attitude towards the other is found in empathy, compassion, love, the desire to understand the other, selfless help and support.

Job satisfaction is an emotionally colored evaluative representation of the subject of activity about the result of his labor activity, about the process of work itself and the external conditions in which it is carried out.

Self-improvement is a complex process of self-change, inextricably linked with self-knowledge, immersion in the world of «I». Self-improvement is not a movement towards some abstract standard, recognized by a person as an ideal. On the contrary, it is the development of one's individuality, cultivation and approximation to one's authenticity, taking into account and based on biological and social conditions.

Among the main stages of the internal path of development and improvement of one's «I» and psychological culture as a personal education should be noted self-knowledge, self-affirmation, self-development, the search for vocation and meaning of life, self-realization.

Thus, it can be stated that the axiological indicators of psychological culture undoubtedly make it possible to enjoy work, build relationships of cooperation with management, colleagues, adequately perceive the working situation, contribute to professional and personal self-realization, as well as the formation of professional subjectivity.


1 Abzalov I.A. Improving of the professional and pedagogical culture of military universities teachers of the Republic of Tajikistan [Text]: author. diss. … candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.01 / I.A. Abzalov. – Dushanbe, 2012. – P. 11.

2 Volkova E.N. Subjectivity of the teacher: theory and practice [Text]: autoref. diss. ... doctor of psychological sciences. 19.00.07 / E.N. Volkova. – M., 1998. – P. 15.

3 Krasnoshchechenko I.P. Acmeological concept of the formation and development of professional subjectivity of future psychologists [Text]: author. diss. … doctor of psychological sciences: 19.00.13 / I.P. Krasnoshchechenko. – M., 2012.

4 Mironov G.A. Formation of professional subjectivity of future psychologists [Text]: author. diss. ... candidate of psychological sciences: 19.00.13 / G.A. Mironov. – M., 2010.

5 Petrovskaya M.V. Axiological aspects of psychological culture of teachers of military universities [Text] / M.V. Petrovskaya // Fundamental research. – 2014. – No. 11–3. – Pp. 648–651.

6 Selezneva N.T. Regularities and factors in the development of the psychological culture of the leaders of the education system [Text]: author. diss. ... doctor of psychological sciences: 19.00.13 / N.T. Seleznev. – M., 1997.

7 Syromyatnikov I.V. Psychology of professional subjectivity of officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation [Text]: author. diss. ... doctor of psychological sciences: 19.00.13 / I.V. Syromyatnikov. – M., 2007.

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