Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- The impact of ecological advertising on the social consciousness

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Конференция 2022 по педагогике, технике, философии, экологии

The impact of ecological advertising on the social consciousness

E. V. Milto, V. R. Salimgareeva, students,

Moscow Aviation Institute,

Russia, Moscow


In this article, authors consider the influence of ecological advertising as a social apparatus of ecological safety on the public consciousness, as its goals and functions.

The relevance of the article is to form the ecological culture and obtain new knowledge, to preserve and improve the ecological safety of the world, since advertising forms the public mentality [3]. The purpose of this work is to investigate the impact of environmental advertising on the formation of citizen’s consciousness.

Environmental advertising in the media ensures the environmental safety of the population. Its task is to participate in the creating of a new environmentally oriented society, able to cooperate effectively with the government and the world community on environmental issues [1].

Advertising is used successfully to inform the public about environmental issues. Environmental advertising, also calls as green advertising, it can be defined as the attempt to influence consumers’ consciousness, relation and behaviors by promoting environmentally friendly commodity in the production, distribution, or recycling of products or services. It is a powerful tool for influencing on the awareness, which has to shape the noosphere. Social mechanisms in the field of ecology help to solve problems quickly and beneficially and to influence on the reduction of ecological hazard in the world, bringing it closer to the level of sustainable development [5]. Environmental advertising affects person out participate in the foundation and enrichment of ecological culture. The young generation is particularly influenced by bloggers who write about zero-waste, minimalism and the needs to sort waste and report on current environmental disasters. Both foreign and local influencers discuss the environmental situation on the internet, elevating eco-problems to the status of global problems.

Traditional forms of advertising, such as print media (newspapers, magazines), radio and television, and outdoor advertising (billboards, signboards) should be mentioned [2]. These ways of dissemination of information are more effective for the older age group, unaccustomed to the influence of Internet bloggers. However, what is the eco-advertising in these sources? It is grey, depressing, and according to the authors looks apocalyptic! Psychologists from various universities, who study the impact of thinking on worldviews, conclude that most people seek to positive images; they want to see a beautiful nature, a healthy future, greyness and oppression make to depress them and laps into apathy.

The public motion of mutilated bodies and natural objects can make people want to change the channel or turn the page. The practice of using negative content is distributed in the media, but environmental organizations should not use negative advert to promote their ideas and goals. This negative advertising can be effective for well-defined target audiences, for example, among young people. They will respond to the advertisement if it fits to their lifestyle and revolutionary views.

Thus, it may be said that current environmental advertising is monotonous, operating with slogans that are disconnected with consumers and reality.

Based on the results of the research, the authors revealed that environmental advertising is used to create so-called «green society», which affects economical [4], moral, ethical, and environmental people’s activities.

The main functions of eco-advertising are organizing of interaction with public, identification of target audience, optimization of media, control of public opinion, as well as management of organization, take part in forming the idea of biodiversity conservation, spreading humanism of interest to environmental problems.

Based on the above, the authors conclude that the use of ecological advertising directly contributes to the changing of the relationship between humans and the natural environment, helping to improve and preserve it.


1. Ромат Е. Маркетинговые коммуникации: учебник для вузов. – СПб.: Питер, 2018. – 496 с.

2. Котлер Ф. Основы Маркетинга. -М.: Прогресс, 1991. - 736с

3. Agenda 21, 23 April 1992, URL: https://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/agenda21.shtml (date: 30.11.2021)

4. Yilmaz C., Alniacik U. The Effectiveness of Green Advertising: Influences of Claim Specificity and Consumers’ Pro-environmental Orientation, 2012, URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227348633_The_Effectiveness_of_Green_Advertising_Influences_of_Claim_Specificity_Product's_Environmental_Relevance_and_Consumers'_Pro-environmental_Orientation (date: 03.12.2021)

5. Jörg Matthes, Uncharted Territory in Research on Environmental Advertising: Toward an Organizing Framework, 2018. URL:   https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00913367.2019.1579687 (date: 03.12.2021)

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