Каталог статей из сборников научных конференций и научных журналов- Актуальная педагогика. - 2020. - № 3

Theoretical and methodical principles of university students’ physical education during extracurricular sports work


D. N. Abramov, candidate of pedagogical sciences,

ORCID 0000-0002-7791-9467, e-mail: abramow-dmitrii@yandex.ru,

Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaysky,

Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Our work is devoted to theoretical, methodological generalization. A new approach is proposed to solve the urgent problem of physical education of university students in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work.

The conceptual foundations of physical education of university students in the process of out-of-school sports and mass work are determined; a cultural and historical retrospective of the issue of physical education of a person was carried out and scientific approaches (personality-oriented, active, systemic, environmental) to the physical education of university students were proposed, which made it possible to characterize the modern theoretical foundations of the physical education of university students [1].

Methodological aspects of teaching Russian as a foreign language in higher school


M. A. Takhirova

Postgraduate Student, e-mail: m.toxirova@nuu.uz,

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan,


Global social-economic changes taking place all over the world have led to the reform of the system of teaching languages as a priority direction for the further development of higher education. The study of the Russian language as a leading means of interethnic communication, interstate communication, has become one of the main factors in the training of highly qualified personnel at the level of international standards.

Modern trends in the humanities pedagogical technologies of the foreign languages


K. A. Fayziyeva, teacher,

e-mail: Komila.fayziyeva.85@bk.ru,

Higher Military Aviation School of the Republic of Uzbekistan,

Каrshi, Uzbekistan


Improving the quality of education of the foreign languages are one of the most pressing problems but for the entire world community. The solution to this problem is connected with the modernization of educational content, the optimization of methods and technologies of educational process.

Modern technologies in education of the foreign languages are seen as a means by which a new educational paradigm can be realized. Trends in the development of educational technology directly related to the humanization of education, promoting self-actualization and self-realization.

Понимание юмора как характеристика развития интеллекта


Е. В. Звонова, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент,

ORCID 0000-0001-9271-8367, e-mail: zevmgpi@rambler.ru,

Н. C. Скрипник, студентка,

ORCID 0000-0003-3234-4433, e-mail: nataskripnik2007@mail.ru,

Московский педагогический университет,

г. Москва, Россия


На протяжении всей истории развития человечества вопрос понимания юмора связывался с показателем ума и психического здоровья [4; 6].

Чувство юмора как способность человека понимать юмор тесно связано с функционированием познавательных процессов, а также со способностью человека переживать эмоции и чувства комического, юмор, иронию, сарказм. Понимание рассматривается в современной психологии как процесс выстраивания смысла, протекающий параллельно процессу мышления [3]. Понимание определяет возможность субъекта интерпретировать получаемую информацию. 

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